Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity in Implementation of Face-to-Face Sessions in the Open University of Tanzania


  • Elisei B. Temu




This paper focuses on efforts being made to improve the face to face sessions in the OUT Regional Centres in Tanzania.  It shows students’ concerns and highlights the insights for improving future practices to enhance both effectiveness and productivity of face to face sessions.  Prior to 2005 face to face sessions used to be held twice per year, each time for one day duration and carried out on the same day throughout the country. A number of problems cropped up including poor attendance by both students and tutors, limited contribution from some facilitators, too short a time, too few facilitators, their inadequate participation and productivity.  In 2006 a modality of utilizing tutors from both the Head Office and Part-Time- Tutors from the respective Regional Centres was adopted and together with the injection of some degree of flexibility partly improved the organization     Staff, who leave the OUT Head Quarters to the Regional Centres have so far not been able to meet students’ expectations despite the flexibility and improved organization of the face to face sessions. Students are of the opinion that funding should be improved, that there should be involvement of more tutors to cover each unit course, which they consider to be essential. However, with the introduction of the new assessment system face to face sessions have assumed new roles of assessing the readiness of students to undertake their annual examinations through students’ portfolio with the new role face to face sessions are no longer discretional.  

Author Biography

Elisei B. Temu

The Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education


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