Peri-Urban Land Use/Cover Change in Songea Municipality, Tanzania


  • Bernard Baraka Komba



Land cover, land cover change, land cover detection, Songea Municipality


Peri-urban land cover change in developing countries is taking place at a rapid rate following an increase in population in urban areas. This paper assessed land cover changes in peri-urban areas in developing countries. It specifically focuses to determine land cover changes which have occurred between 2003 and 2016 and exploring causes of land cover change in Songea peri-urban areas. The study applied a mixed research design as it involved quantitative and qualitative approaches. 132 heads of households were randomly selected and used in the study as a sample. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. Arc-Map 10.1 was used to analyse Google earth downloaded images of 2003 and 2016. Other data were analysed using SPSS version 20 based on descriptive analysis and content analysis was used for collecting qualitative data. Findings revealed that land cover changed from farm, grassland, and swamp into the built-up area following population increase in Ruhuwiko.  The built-up area increased from 31% to 61 % while the cultivated area decreased from 31% in 2003 to 15% in 2016. 82% of the respondents pointed out that population increase in peri-urban areas were the main cause of land cover change. The study concluded that peri-urban land cover is changing toward built up areas and population increase is the main cause for peri-urban land cover change unlike climate change and infrastructural development. The study recommends enforcing urban planning regulation to avoid unplanned settlements.   

Author Biography

Bernard Baraka Komba

Department of Physical and Environmental Science Studies, Faculty of Science, Technology and Environmental Studies


