Determinants of Farmers’ participation in high value crops in Tanzania


  • Venance Mutayoba
  • Deus Ngaruko



This paper is based on a study undertaken to analyze market participation of tomato smallholder famers in three districts of Morogoro region in eastern Tanzania. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was employed to select the sample. Determinants and extent of market participation were estimated using Heckman selection and outcome equations respectively. It was found that characteristics of market participants and non-market participants were not statistically different. The paper recommends that that the government should beef up extension services especially in the aspect of market information to farmers in order to enlighten them on the recommended production techniques, market price and also to improve tomato production. Moreover, rural information centres as well as mobile telephony system should be formed so as to enhance tomato farmers’ regular access to information on market dynamics.

Author Biographies

Venance Mutayoba

Lecturer, Department of Economic Studies; The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, Zanzibar

Deus Ngaruko

Associate Professor, Centre for Economics and Community Economic Development, Open University of Tanzania


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