The Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy on Real Variables in Namibia


  • Tafirenyika Sunde
  • Olusegun Ayodele Akanbi



The study develops a small macroeconometric model for Namibia by using labour market and monetary variables for the period 1980 to 2013. The study shows the process through which monetary policy affects real (labour market) variables. Using the structural vector autoregression methodology (SVAR), a small macroeconometric model is developed using three modular experiments, namely; the basic model, and models that incorporate demand and exchange rate channel variables to the basic model and specification of the macro-econometric model. The study finds that demand and exchange rate channels variables have important additional information, which explains the monetary transmission process and that shocks to labour market variables affect monetary policy in Namibia.

Author Biographies

Tafirenyika Sunde

P. O. Box 26925, Windhoek, Namibia/Polytechnic of Namibia, 13 Storch Street, Windhoek, Namibia. Tel: +264813711879. Email:,, Tafirenyika Sunde is a PhD Student at the University of South Africa. The paper is taken from the author’s PhD thesis. Reference to the main document may be mentioned when necessary.

Olusegun Ayodele Akanbi

Associate Professor of Economics at University of South Africa. Tel: +27124334637. Email:


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