The Effects of Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Turnover Intention in Commercial Banks in Tanzania


  • Proches Ngatuni
  • Anneth Matolo



Employee turnover is a costly work outcome to any organization. Knowledge of the antecedents of turnover intentions helps managers design and implement turnover reversal strategies and practices to curb actual turnover. Scanty research evidence exists on antecedents of employee turnover intention in developing countries.  This study investigated the effect of job satisfaction on the turnover intentions of employees of a leading commercial bank in Tanzania. A structured questionnaire was administered on a sample of 235 employees. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the level of job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Independent sample t-tests and ANOVA, with post hoc comparisons, were used to compare turnover intentions across employees’ demographic characteristics.  Hierarchical multiple regression techniques were used to assess the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention after controlling for the effects of demographic variables. Turnover intention was significantly higher among the younger, inexperienced and urban-based employees but significantly lower for the married. Overall job satisfaction, and satisfaction with pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, and communication, significantly predicted employees’ turnover intentions beyond the effects of the four demographic variables investigated. Commercial banks should give a considerable attention to individual differences, overall job satisfaction, and its facets, to manage turnover intentions among their employees.

Author Biographies

Proches Ngatuni

Lecturer, The Open University of Tanzania

Anneth Matolo

Masters Student, The Open University of Tanzania


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