About the Journal
Goal: The journal's primary purpose would be to disseminate theoretical knowledge and empirical research findings related to linguistics and literary studies. The journal will emphasise publishing original essays to contribute to knowledge and keep abreast with the latest global social development issues, thus closing the gap between theory and practice in the various language disciplines.
Philosophy, Aims & Scope: The Contemporary Journal of Linguistics and Literary Studies [CJLLS] will be dedicated to the development of language in its broadest sense as an interdisciplinary field in which various approaches, theoretical and empirical, supplement and complement each other, contributing thereby to academic as well as developmental aspects of humankind the growth of knowledge, applications, values, and sensitivities relevant for the Linguistics and Literary Studies.
The CJLLS will strive to attract readers and contributors from institutions from all over the world and from all disciplines that pertain to the study of languages and related issues.
Editorial policy
- Languages of publication: Articles written in Kiswahili and English will be accepted after reviewing them and recommending them for publication.
- Nature of Articles: Articles to be published in CJLLS shall be original and must not have been submitted for publication to any other publishers.
- Frequency of publication: The journal shall be published twice a year.
- Mode of publication: Online
- Review Process: As a peer-reviewed journal, the CJLLS will adhere to a blind review process; hence, writers would have to present authors’ names, institutions, and clues to the authors’ identities as separate attachments.