Factors Affecting Adoption of Prepaid Electronic Payment Cards in Tanzania: The Case Study of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC)


  • Hument Namweli
  • Joseph Magali




This paper aimed at investigating the factors affecting adoption of Electronic Payment System (EPS) at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC). The crosssectional and descriptive correlational study designs were adopted where 150 clients at the outpatient clinics were selected for an interview. A structured questionnaire which was constructed based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used. Data were analyzed by using descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. The study reveals that a majority of the clients (59%) preferred using EPS. Also, about 75% of clients indicated their intention to use EPS. The study further indicates that previous experience with the use of EPS and being banked were significant factors influencing both preferences of EPS and intention to use EPS. Moreover, middle-aged clients and high monthly income earners were the main users of EPS. The study also reveals that common barriers that hinder the adoption of EPS were poor internet connectivity and power fluctuations. This study recommends that in order to hasten the adoption of EPS it is important to address the identified barriers and also to encourage clients to use banks to keep their money. This study also recommends that KCMC should allow their clients to use mobile money transaction to pay for treatments charges. 

Author Biographies

Hument Namweli

KCMC Kilimanjaro, Moshi, Tanzania 

Joseph Magali

The Open University of Tanzania


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