Differences In Self Esteem Between Adopted and Looked After Orphans In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


  • Hyasinta C F Kessy




This study examines the differences in self-esteem development between adopted and looked after orphans in Dar es Salaam. The relationship between psychosocial support and self esteem development, as well as the effects of social demographic variables to self esteem were also assessed. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed using questionnaire and focus group discussions respectively. Three hundred and twenty nine participants were involved, of which 192 were adopted while 137 were looked after orphans. Also 22 parents and six caregivers from adoptive and looked after contexts participated in the study. The study revealed that looked after orphans had higher levels of self esteem than the adopted ones. Hence, the study recommends that the government and other stakeholders have to establish more orphanage centres in each region. Moreover, it was demonstrated that Muslim orphans had higher self esteem compared to Christian and other religions because of the type of services they receive. Furthermore, the study recommended that, the government through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Education and Vocational Training  and other stakeholders have to support orphans in their needs as well as provide training to  parents and caregivers on better ways for orphans care..

Author Biography

Hyasinta C F Kessy

The Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology and Special Education


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