Factors for Effective E-learning Integration in Higher Education in Sub-Sahara Africa
This article discusses factors that contribute to effective e-learning integration in higher education in the context of Sub-Sahara Africa. It involved retrieving articles using key words such as elearning, perceptions, knowledge, skills, implementation, facilities, access, support, learning management system and higher education from major educational search engines. Results have revealed firstly that, first there are as many conceptions of the concept of e-learning as there are types of technologies that can support it to improve delivery of higher education. Secondly, several factors contribute to effective integration of e-learning in higher education in Sub-Sahara Africa. These include (i) institutional factors (ii) instructors and students’ factors and (iii) support factors. Based on the results, it is argued therefore that higher learning institutions must make efforts towards addressing these factors for successful integration of e-learningReferences
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