Nyerere’s Political Reflections on the Individual, the State and Political Parties: A Comparative Analysis


  • Joe Joachim Shengena




In this essay an attempt is made to provide some insights to Julius Kambarage Nyerere’s political reflections on the Individual, the State, and Political Parties, by considering the statements which he made in some of his early writings. The early writings provided the basis of his latter writings, whereby he was trying to develop what he referred as the ‘New Synthesis of Man’. A comparative analysis will be made on the same ideas, with other political philosophers of the 18th and 19th century. This was the period when the commoners in Europe were struggling for liberty, democracy and the establishment of political parties from the autocratic feudal Kings. Nyerere’s ideas reflect the same struggle for the independence of Tanganyika and the establishment of liberty and democracy by using a political party


Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679). “Leviatham’’ edited by C. B. Macpherson, Pelican Classics, 1971

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (1969), Selected Works vol.III, Progress Publishers: Moscow,

Karl, Marx and Frederick Engels (1969) Selected Works, vol.II, Progress Publishers: Moscow,

Kiswahili, National Printing Company, 1962. Translations into English are mine

Lenin, V. I. (1970). Selected Works, vol. 1, Progress. Publishers: Moscow,

Nyerere, J. K. ‘TANU na Raia’ and ‘Tujisahihishe’, published in

Nyerere,J. K. (1967). Freedom and Unity. Oxford University Press: Dar es Salaam.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712-78). “The Social Contract†edited by B. Radice and R. Baldick , Penguin Classic, 1968

Smith, W. E. (1974) ‘Nyerere of Tanzania. Transafrica Publishers,

Vukovick, B. (1968). ‘Political Participation and Political Organizations’ a paper presented at Kivukoni Collage,


