Basic Education under Local Governments in Tanzania: A Theoretical Analysis


  • E. M. Mulengeki



This paper describes local government administration of basic education on the basis of different foci deriving from different theories, to demonstrate variations that emerge as stakeholders assess performance and quality of basic education service delivery. Dual-state, public choice and broken window theories are utilized to analyze data from district education officers and heads of secondary schools about central-local government relations vis-à-vis resources at disposal for making basic-education related decisions; inclusion of local communities’ opinions and interests in basic education programmes; and availability of adequate structures and by-laws to deter mismanagement, minor crimes and offences which otherwise impede the effectiveness of basic education programmes managed by local governments as major providers. The evidences accruing from this analysis indicate that basic education administration under local government in Tanzania, can achieve desired goals and objectives if available structures are revised to devolve more decision-making power and resources to local governments.  

Author Biography

E. M. Mulengeki

Faculty of Education  The Open University of Tanzania


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