Knowledge and Attitude Towards National Health Insurance Scheme in Nigerian Research Institutes
 This study investigated the knowledge and attitude towards National Health Insurance Scheme in Nigerian research institutes. Assessment of National Health Insurance Scheme after four years of its operation in Nigeria revealed less than 3% coverage of the national population, hence, opinion are polarized on its efficacy in curbing Nigerian health challenges. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was self-developed and structured questionnaire of Knowledge towards National Health Insurance Scheme Questionnaire (KNHISQ) designed in four-point Likert-scale format. Descriptive statistics of frequency count and percentages were used to describe the demographic data, while regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. A total number of two hundred and ninety one respondents were used for this study. The study revealed that though the members of staff in these institutes are aware of National Health Insurance Scheme, their level of awareness appeared to be low. It was therefore recommended that aggressive mobilization should be made for more public participation in the schemeReferences
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