Access and Use of Information Communication Technologies by Agricultural Extension Agents in Tanzania


  • R. Martin
  • J. S. Kahamba



Many studies have focused on the use of ICT by farmers; however, little attention has been on the use ICT by agricultural extension agents who are the bridge between source of agricultural knowledge and technologies on one hand and the smallholders on the other. Based on a cross sectional study of agricultural extension agents enrolled at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), in this paper we present, as a point of departure, the extent of access and usage of ICT by agricultural extension agents in Tanzania. Also, factors that influence the use of ICT by Agricultural Extension Agents are assessed. Finally, a conclusion is made and recommendations offered based on the findings. 

Author Biographies

R. Martin

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development 

J. S. Kahamba

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Development studies 


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