Impacts of Urban Development Pressure on Coastal Local Communities in Tanzania: A Case Study of Ununio, Kaole and Kilwa-Masoko Settlements


  • Susan Rugano Gwalema



The study examined the socio-economic and cultural impacts of urban development pressure on the lives of coastal local communities in Tanzania, in line with the implementation of basic Human Rights, and the National Land and Human Settlement Development Policy. It has suggested measures to manage or prevent the adverse impacts and enhance beneficial impacts. Social Impact Assessment (SIA) principles were employed to study the social, economic and cultural impacts of urban development pressure on coastal local communities of Kaole, Ununio and Kilwa-Masoko. Qualitative data was collected from 12 informants and 6 focus groups, while quantitative data was collected from 150 heads of household and their spouses using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done using the SPSS computer software. It was found out that there were more negative impacts than positive ones. Positive impacts included; expanded market for goods, water supply, electric supply, presence of schools, and cultural harmonization. Negative impacts included: insecurity over land, depeasantisation, low incomes due to lack of integration into respective urban areas,  food insecurity, poor access to sea resources, unfair compensation for loss of land, discrimination in urban planning and poor access to social services. These could be regarded as short term impacts. The vulnerability of local coastal people to poverty was the long term impact. It is recommended that land allocation processes should implement Human Rights and the National Land and Human Settlement Development Policy properly so as to bring more positive impacts.  

Author Biography

Susan Rugano Gwalema

The Open University of Tanzania


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