Dar es Salaam City and Challenges in Solid Waste Management. The Case of Manzese and Sinza Wards in Dar es Salaam
The focus of this paper is on challenges facing solid waste management in Manzese and Sinza wards, in Dar es Salaam city. In this paper different ways of generating, disposing waste and the associated problems are surveyed. About 102 people were interviewed. Different methods were employed in data collection which included direct observation, focus group interviews and questionnaires. Moreover, both secondary and primary data were collected. Sources of solid wastes are domestic, commercial and industrial enterprises. About 60% of domestic and industrial waste is deposited in landfills; the rest is burned, incinerated, taken to the dump or recycled. In major urban cities and centres, land suitable for waste disposal is becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. The study found that poor waste management is coupled with a number of problems such as eruption of diseases and foul smell. Stern measures must be legally instituted, reinforced and enforced to ensure that all residents adhere to them. Residents should be sensitized and educated on the importance of managing their waste in a proper and sustainable manner.References
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