Challenges of Implementing Quality Assurance Systems in Blended Learning in Uganda: The Need for An Assessment Framework
In order to deal with the increasing demand for higher education against acute shortages of academic staff and infrastructure in the growing numbers of institutions of higher learning, some of the campus-based face to face institutions are now turning to blended learning, “a convergence of distance learning and conventional learning,†modes of delivery to their students in the campuses. This paper uses the case of Uganda in discussing issues confronting institutions of higher learning in their efforts to provide opportunity for the increasing demand for higher education while at the same time trying to maintain quality of instruction for large classes. The methodology employed in this study was entirely literaturebased. Blended learning is described with examples of its application referenced to existing programmes at some universities. A discussion of the challenges of implementing quality assurance systems is included. The paper concludes with the need for an assessment framework and a summary of the plausible proposals for ensuring quality in the delivery blended learning.References
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