Challenges Female Entrepreneurs Encounter in Accessing Microfinance in NigeriaChallenges Female Entrepreneurs Encounter in Accessing Microfinance in Nigeria


  • E Umemezia
  • S. J Osifo



The article examines microfinance in relation to female entrepreneurship. The goal is to show that Nigerian female entrepreneurs face varied challenges in accessing microfinance. This has been achieved by systematically reviewing extant literature. Upon examination of the subject, factors such as societal attitudes and norms, illiteracy among women, lack of business skills, inadequately funded microfinance institutions, lack of financial education constitute constraints that women encounter in accessing microfinance in Nigeria, resulting in their low participation in entrepreneurship. These have implications for personal and national development. Entrepreneurial obstacles hinder self reliance, access to bank services and promote poverty especially among women.

Author Biographies

E Umemezia

Human Resource Management DepartmentUniversity of Benin

S. J Osifo

Human Resource Management DepartmentUniversity of Benin


