Effectiveness of Mobile Learning as a means of Distance Learning in Tanzania


  • J.A Mshana




The aim of this research was to explore the effectiveness of Mobile learning (M-Learning) as a means of Distance Learning (DL). A sample of 120 students were interviewed by using both questionnaire and face- to-face interview. Spreadsheet was used as an instrument to analyse the findings. Results of this study indicate that, distance learning need broadband communication connections, which clearly is more suitable to support online learning. Since Mobile devices have a network connection (3G/4G) available almost (99.999%) of the time in almost every part of developed countries; learners can enjoy the biggest advantage of M-Learning technology- when used; that it can be used anywhere, anytime and its usage is easy access to a larger number of distance learners. It is therefore concluded that effectiveness of M-Learning can be used as a means of DL and once used facilitate the entire distance education by enhancing communication among distance learners and lecturers and ways of delivering lectures.

Author Biography

J.A Mshana

Institute of Judicial Administration


