Removing Stumps and Blocks for Students to Reach the Unreached Through Quality Assurance at the Zimbabwe Open University: A Case Study
This study sought to determine students’ perceptions of quality systems that enhance their achievement of high quality education through open and distance learning at the Zimbabwe Open University. The study employed the descriptive survey design and was both quantitative and qualitative. The questionnaire used as a data gathering instrument had both open and closed-ended sections. A sample of 76 students was extracted from a population of 250 students using the convenience sampling method. The study found out that students regard quality marking of assignments, quality tutorials, quality modules, efficient processing of examinations and results, competent tutors, well stocked library and research facilities as enhancing quality. They went on to say high quality programmes that are market driven, professional handling of learner challenges and customer care by frontline staff will propel them to greater heights. Among others, the study recommends regular monitoring and evaluation of all student services by the quality assurance unit to enable students to reach the unreached.References
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