Delivery of Open, Distance and e-Learning in Kenya


  • Nyerere Jackline K. A., Gravenir Frederick Q, Mse Godfrey S.



The increased demand and the need for continuous learning have led to the introduction of open, distance and e-learning (ODeL). In Kenya, provision of this mode of education has however been faced by various challenges, among them infrastructural. This study was a survey conducted in two public universities with major components of ODeL, University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University. These universities were purposively selected for the study whose respondents included the students registered in ODeL; lecturers and senior administrators were also involved. Analysis of the relevant documents was also undertaken while library literature was reviewed on the integration of ODeL in provision of primary, secondary and tertiary education in Kenya. The study established that efficient and optimal delivery of ODeL in Kenya faces both economic and infrastructural challenges. However, strengthening the existing relevant structures will address some of the challenges

Author Biography

Nyerere Jackline K. A., Gravenir Frederick Q, Mse Godfrey S.

Kenyatta University


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