Ability of Local Community on the Financing of Primary Education Projects in Tanzania


  • Harold Samwel Moshia
  • John Soka




 The study was conducted to assess the impact of local community participation in the financing of education projects. Three research objectives were addressed namely; the involvement of local communities in financing on quality of educational projects; the factors that draw parental and community participation in financing of educational projects; and finally to assess the challenges in involving local community in the financing of educational projects. Descriptive survey design was used with qualitative approach dominating data collection and analysis procedures. The population for the study involved head teachers, school committee members, Municipal Education Officers and civil society organizations. The sample size involved 66 respondents who were purposively sampled from Kinondoni district. The interviews and questionnaires methods were used for data collection. Content analysis method was used for the analysis of qualitative data which was finally presented descriptively. Some school projects were of good quality while others were not. Several challenges were noted including; the need to promote transparency  on financial expenditure; increasing accountability for any embezzlement; active involvement of local community in decision making; poor communication; socio-economic crisis especially among the parents; promoting effectiveness of school committees; and involving unnecessary politics in educational projects. To address these challenges it was proposed for the active involvement of local community.    

Author Biographies

Harold Samwel Moshia

Dar es Salaam

John Soka

The open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education


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