Project and Field Work Report Writing: “Bridging the Gap” into ODL Students’ Challenges


  • Dr. Irene Aurelia Tarimo



The study identified the challenges facing the ODL Undergraduate students in doing and writing their special projects and field work under ODL mode of teaching and learning. Data were collected though formal meetings, mobile phones and documentary survey. The quantitative data were analyzed using the Scientific Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Ver. 20). The qualitative data were analyzed though content analysis of the responses. The results revealed English language problems, financial constraints and the low internet connectivity environments ranged (70%); Poor writing and ICT skills; lack of enough cooperation from supervisor; too many responsibilities (60%). Long distance and bad roads environments for rural students, bureaucracy to get data and tips environments ranged (50%). Lack of permission from employers, electricity cut-outs problems and complicated log book/field/supervised reading instructions ranged (30%); lack of field work experts; scarcity of library reference books; lack of mates to discuss and share experiences for rural students environments ranged (20%). It is recommended to include English proficiency test in ODL mode; ICT and writing skills be integrated in all academic courses and programmes for first year undergraduate students. Supervisors establish good rapport with their students, likewise for the students and proper financial and time managements. Reduce environmental distance; decentralize the Regional centers to District level in ODL mode. Employers grant permission to employees to go to field for data collection. Instructions in log books be short, simple and clear for students and field experts to comprehend. Train students on technical aspects of conducting special projects and field work. Conduct workshops on research supervision skills and writing guidelines for supervisors and students. Motivate supervisors & students to present their research papers to local and international conferences to get exposure and polish out their research skills.

Author Biography

Dr. Irene Aurelia Tarimo

The Open University of Tanzania


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