Implementation of the Tanzanian ICT policy in Education in a Teachers’ Colleges


  • Elisei Emili Lubuva



The education systems around the world are pursuing policies that embrace pedagogical integration of ICT in education as a means to develop a competitive human resource, for the global knowledge economy jobs and careers. In Tanzania, the ICT policy in Education has been developed to initiate the integration of ICT in teaching and learning at various levels of education. This paper reports data from an empirical study about the implementation of the policy on ICT integration in teaching and learning, by tutors in a public Teachers‟ College. A mixed method approach was adopted for the study which included a survey, interviews, focus group discussion and document analysis. Analysis was done using the Knowledge ladder conceptual framework of ICT levels of integration. Results seemed to reveal that; despite government provision of ICT infrastructure and training of tutors, majority of tutors had limited understanding of how ICT can be integrated in their teaching. Tutors not only lacked knowledge of the goals of the ICT integration policy but also lacked the necessary aptitude and knowledge to support the adoption of the ICT policy. This paper, therefore, recommends a more integrated and holistic approach in preparing tutors to adopt ICT.  

Author Biography

Elisei Emili Lubuva

Aga Khan University Institute of Educational Development Eastern Africa-Dar es salaam


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