Student Support Services in Open and Distance Learning: The Case of the Open University of Tanzania


  • Grace Kissassi, Sura Ngenzi



 In the last two decades Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has witnessed a tremendous growth in Tanzania and worldwide. The Open University of Tanzania shows an increase in enrolment rates from 776 at its commencement in 1994 to over 40,000 in 2011. The same scenario is evident in India and China. The growth has been possible due to an increase in demand in higher education and inability of conventional universities to absorb big numbers of students that qualify for higher education. To maintain quality of education in ODL institutions student support services are crucial. By using questionnaires and interviews the study analyses the student support services available at The Open University of Tanzania: their prospects and challenges. The identified student support services at OUT include print materials, face to face sessions, Portfolios, ICT related support including Student Academic Record Information System (SARIS), on-line examination registration, CD-ROM, cassette records and e-Learning.  

Author Biography

Grace Kissassi, Sura Ngenzi

The Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education  


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