Vocational Education in Industry Organizations: Skill Training Management Model for Customer-Consumer Friendly Environments


  • Felician Barongo Mutarubukwa




 Changes being made to vocational Education and Training (VET) delivery in Tanzania enabled Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) and industry based/service provider organizations to adopt Competence Based Training mode and Competence Based Assessment techniques. These involve making training more responsive to the needs of labour market and clients (trainees and product/service recipients), delivering work skills to specific industry standards and making entry level training more flexible and developing a nationally recognized training frame work. Organizations across many industries are adopting a marketing relationship approach in their interactions with customers, recognizing the importance of creating value for their current customer base, alongside the need to create new business opportunities.     Reports from Ministry of Education and Vocational Training have described the building of enterprisespecific training programmes, with local partnership between Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) and industry/trainees‟ need forming the basis of successful VET delivery. This research paper first describes theoretical aspects of relationship marketing which support the building of business relationships, then examines the various interactions between industry/communities in the informal sector and VET providers setting to determine whether these constructs are reflected through the interactions. Interviews with industry/service organization providers and training providers identified several different approaches to industry/service organization providers training that are currently adopted, and indicate varying levels of integration between and within industries/service organization providers and training delivery model that exhibits relationship marketing construct of trust and commitment, investment by relationship partners, knowledge exchange and the development of new processes for vocational skill training delivery, all supporting relationship longevity

Author Biography

Felician Barongo Mutarubukwa

Mzumbe University-Dar es Salamm Campus College


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