Problems of Offering Home Economics in Tanzania Secondary Schools
This study found it necessary to describe general perception and emphasis the community and all education stake holders do have regarding the teaching and learning of home economics in Tanzania secondary schools. The study starts by describing the importance for studying home economics. To describe the current situation the study looks at the declining pattern of students‟ enrolment in the subject by comparing it with other applied subjects. The study has identified challenges in teaching and learning home economics in Tanzania secondary schools were female biased, lack of teaching and learning resources and facilities, lack of awareness regarding the importance of the subject. It then tries to explore ways and means of finding new approaches to be used by education planners and curriculum implementers for developing a different outlook from the traditional ones. The subject has invaluable contributions to the social economic development of our country. In modern terms home economics is concerned with the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities in the contexts of health, materials and resources, With today‟s unsteady economy, dynamism in lifestyles and many other challenges due to globalization, an overhaul for home economics teaching and learning is needed more than ever.ÂReferences
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