
  • Barongo, M. F.



Hindrances or barriers to learning faced by learners with poor English background in Tanzania Vocational Training Centres (VETs) can lead to increased feelings of desperation, frustration, helplessness and inadequacy. In some cases these outcomes lead to course withdrawal and lowered chances of breaking through the boundaries and achieving job attainment and satisfaction. This research aims to investigate whether the needs of these learners who did not master the medium of instruction were being met by the Information Technology (IT) training they received and whether their difficulties and major hindrances were primarily institutionally (related to the  IT training process) or non-institutionally grounded. A questionnaire was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative information and to identify learners who do not master the medium of training (VTCs). The results indicate that both institutional (e.g. poor quality instructions) and non-institutional factors are implicated as hindrances to learning. Code switching was preferred by many learners from a group of those who attended primary education in Non English medium schools (NEMS) Some suggested ways within the training institution of breaking through the barriers are discussed.


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