
  • Dorothy Ofoha, D
  • Okoza, J.



Considering the peculiar nature of distance learners, success in distance learning is said to depend largely on learners’ deployment of metacognition and self-regulatory processes. Despite various support programmes put in place by the National Open University of Nigeria to help students navigate through learning, many students perform below expectation on semester examinations. This study sought to determine whether metacognitive awareness and self-regulation were the underlying factors of poor performance. The study adopted descriptive survey design with a mixedmethod approach. 600 undergraduate students selected through various stages of sampling techniques participated in the study. Data were collected through questionnaire, focus group discussion guide, and academic achievement records. Findings revealed that students appeared to possess fairly high level of metacognitive awareness and self-regulation. No significant difference was found between the high and low achievers on these two variables. Overall, findings showed that metacognitive awareness and self-regulation were not the underlying factors of poor performance. Therefore, other potential factors should be explored.


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