
  • Christopher G. C.



The main objectives of the paper were to identify challenges facing science teachers during   in-service professional development programmes in Lindi region. The study adopted a qualitative research approach based on descriptive survey design. Data were obtained from 63 respondents, of which, 54 were science teachers, and 09 heads of school. It employed purposive sampling technique. The data were obtained through interviews, questionnaires, and documentary reviews. Qualitatively data were analysed and subjected to content analysis. The study findings revealed that financial constraints, shortage of teaching and learning materials, lack of follow up, shortage of time were some of the factors that hinder the implementation of in-service professional development programmes for science teachers. The study concludes that there is a need to strengthen implementation of inservice professional development programmes to science teachers. The study recommends that, government through Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and Regional Administration and Local Government (RALG) should collaborate and ensure science teachers are well facilitated to improve access to in-service programmes. This will subsequently equip teachers with relevant skills to cope with new career and professional changes.   The study recommends for the conduct of regular seminars and workshops to raise science teachers’ awareness and enhance their knowledge competence and confidence in applying competence –based approaches in teaching and learning process.


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