On Demand Examination Innovation Practice as an Educational Assessment at The Open University of Tanzania: Potentials and Challenges.


  • Martha Jacob Kabate




:This study intends to assess the potentials and challenges of On Demand Examination innovation of the Open University of Tanzania. Specifically, the study intends to identify the reasons for students decision opting to do On Demand Examination, identifying potentials of the On Demand Examination on students in attaining their goals, exploring challenges students encounter on ODEX innovation Practice. A total number of 65 degree students were involved in this study. Purposeful and random samplings were used in this study to have the population needed. Data were collected through questionnaire and Focus group discussion (FGD). Data were analysed through SPSS 16 version. The findings revealed that individual or performance goal structure include the reason for the student opting to sit for On Demand Examination. Potentials of On Demand Examination are on the favour of the students studying under Open and Distance Model. Moreover, students face challenges from the On-Demand Examination innovation as an strategy of Educational assessment, these include financial concern, administrative as well as. Thus, the examination should rectify and making sure that all courses accredited under the institution to be in the On-Demand Examination data Bank. 

Author Biography

Martha Jacob Kabate

The Open University of Tanzania  


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